Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's break down Prevail

Ok so I'm Brandon "Feel-X" Morel. Let's keep it simple . . . I don't skate. - However, I respect skating and I love the entertainment aspect of it. The way I look at it, skating is both sport and art form. And I respect those who skate from the perspective of passion and the love of doing it. So, I wanted to use my clothing line and other business entities to support those who I feel are a good representation of what this love of skating truly is. Originally I thought - "Yo! Let's make a Lethal Inspiration skate team!" However, I soon realized that a team wasn't the exact representation of what it is I wanted to promote. However, I wanted to create a skating legion that would serve as a symbol of what it means to love skating. In the process it will of course promote my label, and brand, but I wanted to give young skaters the opportunity to feel a support system behind them so they could do what they loved to do. My boy/label mate Blaze linked me up with Jay Jay. From first speaking with this young kat, I knew he wasn't a hype-beast skater. After making a few videos, we spoke more, acquired Ty, and I learned of Jay's motto of Prevail. . . Automatically the word clicked and I felt it represented better what it is that I want to bring forth into the skating world.

So basically, Prevail skate crew is a legion of skaters dedicated to the art form of skating for fun. Yes work on your tricks, enter competitions and hopefully go pro. But let the love of what you do be your main focus, and not the "I have to be the best!" attitude be the only reason why you hop on a board.

If you skate and read this post feeling you represent what we are, send me a video and description of yourself to

-All is Love

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